For one.
Courtesy of Jerry Yan's Family Indonesia
1. ucapkan “aakuuu ciiintaaaa jeeeeeerry” dengan vokal bulat dan dengan gerak bibir yang jelas, kalau perlu selebar-lebarnya, dan semonyong-monyongnya. Lakukan minimal 3 kali sehari. Dijamin kerut-kerut diwajah akan memudar, dan wajah akan terlihat lebih muda.

2. pandangi beberapa foto jerry dalam berbagai mimik wajah, lalu tirukan tampang jerry yang sedang melongo, tertawa lebar, melotot, manyun, melet, nyengir, gigit bibir, miringin kepala ke kiri, atau bahkan waktu jerry pasang expresi gemess. Cara ini membuat rasa sakit ringan atau stress ringan segera sembuh dan berganti dengan perasaan rilek dan fun. Migren doang mah lewaat! 3. tonton lagi vcd Happy Sunday produksi jyfi dan perhatikan gerak-gerik jerry disitu. Olah raga ringan bareng jerry seru juga. Jongkok, putar, goyang kanan, goyang kiri... Kalau belum cukup “hot”… ronde kedua boleh nonton Pepsi Party Jerry dan Vanness di HK. Tinggal ikutin naik sepeda, atau main kuda-kudaan. Dijamin keringetan, hehehe…
4. selain olah raga fisik seperti nomor 3, olah raga jantung bagus juga. Cari foto close up jerry dengan pose matanya tepat melihat kamera. Pandang lekat-lekat tatapan matanya... sedetik, dua detik, tiga detik.. terus.. kalau kamu tahan sampai lebih dari 10 detik, kamu akan merasakan jantung kamu berpacu lebih cepat.. lebih cepat dan... lebih cepat. Usahakan jangan sampai pingsan di hitungan ke 13 yaa... (tidak dianjurkan untuk mereka yang memiliki penyakit jantung, asma, apalagi yang jarang olahraga). Buat mereka mungkin bisa latihan mulai dari menatap hidung, bibir lalu lesung pipi sebelum langsung menatap ke mata....
Kalau gambar aja gak cukup bikin kamu deg-deg kan.. mungkin jantung kamu sudah “kebal” karena terlalu sering menatap jerry.. jangan kuatir … Terapi yang lain untuk olaharaga jantung adalah “saksikan adegan hot jerry buka kaos …..” di :
dan kalo masih kurang manjur… ngintip aja deh adegan jerry ciuman.. dijamin langsung.. gubraaaaksssss….
5. sekarang latihan jari jemari. Supaya jari-jari kita lentik dan sebagus jerry (suer deh, jari jerry bagus banget), sering-seringlah latihan mengetik email dan mengirimkannya ke milis JYFI. Kalau enggak ada yang bales email, latihan lah di keypad handphone... sms-in temen-temen kamu yang lain untuk baca milis dan ikutan kirim email ke JFYI. Oceeee????
6. lalu giliran kaki... ajak satu teman kamu (pacar atau suami lebih baik) nonton video klip Gravity. Minta mereka menirukan gaya jerry dan cewek itu bermain sepeda-sepedaan... lalu goeeessss terrruuuuus... paling enggak 15 menit untuk hasil yang maksimal. Ingat, jangan lakukan di kantor, apalagi kalo kamu lagi pake rok... hihiihihiii.....
7. waktu kamu lagi sedih.. mellow..putar lagu One Meter atau Isolation. Waktu lagi happy dan semangat putar Fantasy atau Memory Pieces. Waktu kamu lagi pengen santai, putar saja Gravity atau Want to Love You. Pokoknya kalau kamu bisa menghadirkan suara jerry disetiap momen dalam hidupmu ... kamu pasti akan merasa bahwa hidup ini jadi lebih indaah dan berarti.
8. tips ke-8 belum ditemukan... bagaimana caranya menghilangkan jerawat karena kebanyakan mikirin jerry.... hhiiihihehehehe..... Tapi aku bangga, karena semakin banyak jerawat membuktikan bahwa aku benar-benar cintajerry!!!
Creative, isn't it? And the good thing is, the tips are simple and practical. Of course, I totally agree that it wouldn't be wise to do the bicycle motion at work, wearing skirt.
Fans gifts for Jerry: Books, sunglasses, Siao Pai Du Menagerie (a.k.a. lots and lots of bunny stuffs).
And here's another one for a different idol.
10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT ZAIZAI (the ramblings of obsession)
Courtesy of Red_Star from Faithful 4 Ever forum
I hate the way you stare, your gaze ever so enchanting… I swear it can make me weep like a baby and make me forget who I am!!!
I hate it everytime you smile and show your pearly whites, especially innocent and pure like a child’s… You think you’re so charming??? Well, you are!!!
I hate the way you’d scratch your nose or any other gestures you make (like that classic “scary” hand motion)… why, aren’t you adorable enough??
I hate the way you render your songs with your soothing voice that sounds like an angel’s… Can’t you see I get affected and end up melting like butter?? I feel the love baby, I feel the pain…
I hate seeing you laugh or giggle, with your hands on your tummy and your face puckered in absolute mirth and delight… You just never fail to make me want to take you home…
I hate the way you effectively portrayed the violin-playing Hua Ze Lei in Meteor Garden, with that cold veneer and I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude, yet inside bleeds for his love for Sancai… You are the reason why tried doing handstands (which up to now, I still cannot do) and why every single day I brokedown…
I hate your hairstyle, always perfect and your complexion, golden like a god’s… Don’t you know how often I catch myself staring at you, breath-taken, slack-jawed, drooling, heart- palpitating, and just in utter disbelief that such a being exists???? You amaze me…
I hate the way you glanced at me during the concert and noticed me despite the fact that I was far away and am a nobody to you… I died ZaiZai, I died right there and then.
I hate the way you captivated me, the way you grasped my heart and made me a prisoner of your very existence… Oh yes, I’ve never felt this way towards anybody else though foolish as it may sound, I don’t think I ever will… You are my inspiration and make me be a better person… Everywhere I look you are there!! In my spirit, in my future, in my dreams… GAWD!!!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO KNOW YOU???????
But what I hate most about you is the fact that you are the most beautiful human person I’ve ever laid eyes on and as much as I try, I cannot and I do not hate you, not a bit, not a speck, not even at all…
Hahaha. Sweet. That "I died ZaiZai" cracked me up. If looks could kill ..
Fans gifts for Vic: hand-wooven pillow, a gold medal earned from some competition (!!), Andy Lau's CDs given by Andy Lau himself (ei, who's idolizing who? Zai Zai's idol is Andy Lau, and Andy sent him gifts? What about me .. will my idols send me gifts for idolizing them? Right. Keep dreaming, baby @_@).
I am amazed.
I wish I could do such nice things for my idols. Instead, I only decide to update my blog, after so many months having a writer-block.
Jerry Yan in works. Many girls and women identify him as Dao Ming Shi in Meteor Garden 1 (Jerry Yan who? Oh, you mean Dao Ming Shi?). His acting was so good, his chemistry with the leading actress was excellent .. he swallowed the camera, it was almost unbearable to watch his close-ups and waiting for him to deliver his lines without getting myself annoyingly-blushed. Sometimes words were spread as fast as bullets, I had to replay those scenes at least twice per viewing - first to catch his expressions, second to catch the subtitles (blueh! Pathetic, am I?). However, it was his role of a lifetime. Reviewing him in his other roles: Meteor Garden 2 (love him .. but not that much because of the dragging plot, thick make-up .. and I hate the hairstyle very much), Come to My Place (I'm happy to see him in it, one of the enlightenment .. but the series sucks, and should he act that sappy?), Magic Kitchen (Dao Ming Shi portrayed a cook .. nothing new to discover, I'm not in favour of the movie too. Too shallow, IMO), Love Scar (in the first few scenes, he acted very bouncy and funny. But as the movie went on, he very much returned to his style as Dao Ming Shi losing San Chai). His singing .. in live concerts, I've seen him singing from his heart (good!), but the voice that came out just out of tunes (bad!). I believe he has the material .. one said it's unique and sexy .. some other said his voice tells a story; I say, it's light and easy .. it's not a top-notch, but some considerable songs will bring the best of it. Proof: His songs in "Meteor Rain" and "Fantasy 4 Ever" are so-so .. but "Jerry for You" is fantastic. I love 7 of 10 songs (in one album), and that marks a record in my book.
Learning Jerry, I see a model and a star. He has a broad posture .. he doesn't like to look ugly (could he ever look ugly anyway?). He knows how to pose his image carefully in front of public. He stands with charisma, perfectly presentable. He listens attentively, he talks and smiles elegantly .. rarely laughs out loud .. rather giving out his famous stare and dimple. People will be hooked just by looking at him even when he says nothing at all (Me, knowing my habit of walking straight ahead without noticing the surroundings .. in case of him, I'm sure he canl electrocute me from afar .. far far .. ooo ..). He'd love to shake hands with fans whenever he can, sometimes giving hugs if required (and kiss??? Nooooo .. who's the lucky fans? Tell me and lemme kill her!) .. and the latest info I've received: he likes to stick his tongue out to his fans at the airport. Despite of the quality, he really loves to sing .. can tell by seeing him sang along the background music in some events (why he did that? Covering up his nerves .. or just simply having fun on the stage?). He seems not far different from his roles on-screen .. the kindness and sentimental side is easily recognized, though the legendary Dao Ming Shi will always be exceptional (that has made him phenomenal).
My personal favourite: Dao Ming Shi in Meteor Garden 1 .. enough said. "Decoration", simply melancholic. Jerry in Happy Sunday and in MV "Memory Pieces" .. perfect hairstyle, simple outfit, bright smile (and laugh .. see, he can LOL and still looking gorgeous with his big teeth showing!!), cute embarrassment. All warm and sweet. And in Pepsi Blue Storm event (with Vic Zhou and Louis Koo), he looked so young and fresh.
Vic Zhou in works. His portraying Hua Ze Lei in Meteor Garden 1 was (is) a rivalry to Jerry Yan's. In everything. I didn't like his acting as Lei at first. He was cute in there, for sure .. but he was so awkward, words stumbled in his mouth (yea right, like I understand Mandarin, huh? Still I could see him delivering his lines in a not-so-right-gesture), so skinny, so unhappy, so boring. Maybe it's the character .. though I felt he could do better than just staring blank, frowning, day-dreaming, and smiling shyly most of the scenes. I also felt his eyes were too big on that face. Until I watched Lei crying and hugging San Chai at the beach, defending San Chai and Qing He in that basketball game, then on the next scene where San Chai was crying because Dao Ming Shi decided to go abroad .. I found a tenderness in the way of Lei facing her. His voice was comforting (and everytime he said "ma" with a question tone, so soft I wanted to touch his face .. hik hik ..), his profile from the side was calm .. his eyes said it all .. and that was the point of no return. However, due to the portion of the role .. step aside, Lei .. and wait until Meteor Garden 2 where he had more lines to deliver, had more character's dimension. Lei became mature, and I liked that .. this sequel treated Vic well. Reviewing him in other roles: Come to My Place (shocked! He could be fierce and emotional! But I wasn't ready to see Vic's transformation, couldn't believe that he was not playing Lei any longer), Mars (the series that confirmed Vic definitely could act. The story was engaging, Vic executed all his scenes very well. He was perfect as Chen Ling. His expressions were so rich, I couldn't get enough of him. And the chemistry with the leading actress .. guess who =D .. was sizzling. Totally out of Lei .. I would never look at Lei the same way again), Love Storm (I should have seen this series before Mars. Lu Ying Feng was a character between Lei and Ling. Still caught some awkward gestures here and there, but he was cool, funny, warm, repeat. Story wise, this series has a tendency to become dull and boring. But when it comes to moments .. it has some which are very very bittersweet). From all I've seen, I believe Vic's acting is moving forward and his portrayals varies one to another. In singing, in addition to what I've posted in Song for the Moment column, I've heard him out of tune as well in live concert - ref.: Music Party - (bad!). His songs in "Meteor Rain", "Fantasy 4 Ever", "Make a Wish" and "Remember ....., I Love You" are decent, but some turn out to be really nice and outstanding after a couple of times listening to Vic's voice. Love the solo albums in overall.
Learning Vic, I see a boy-next-door who cares for nothing in the world. He doesn't have a great posture .. he slouches, he stands his weight on one leg, his shoulders sometimes limp. He'd shake hands with his fans, but hugging is a no-no (Thus the end of my dream hugging Zai Zai. Hoh. Why so scared? How about a kiss then?). He is full of contradictions. He can be so quiet and shy, he can be so delightful with chuckles, giggles and laughs (oho .. if I were lucky, I might be able to catch his pleasant LOL .. like the one in Happy Sunday, where he practically threw his head back then bended afterwards. Or like that one scene in Mars, Ling laughed at Daye at the school's corridor, just before he bumped his shoulder with Tong Dao). In one event he was in a much bigger size, looked older .. in another event he went back to his smaller size, looked younger. His hairstyle changes, and his look also changing along with it (sometimes it's so messy, he looked like an old lady whose hair got blown by typhoon .. or Zai Zai, are you wearing wig??? @_@. Lei's hairstyle in Meteor Garden 1 imitated Hanazawa Rui's in Hana Yori Dango. Not the best, but it kinda suited him). His asset: a pair of bright eyes (I won't mention about his smile .. argh). Judging from his characters on the series (Lei, Ying Feng, and Ling are nothing like him. Well, lately I know Ling is most probably the closest), and also the way he presents himself in front of public (most of the times he's too sweet, it hurts) .. he amazed me when I caught him blurting out jokes in some Pepsi events, and knowing that he is in fact a really funny guy (the funniest of F4 even). Deceiving alright. I'd like to test myself .. see any of Vic's photos without any indication/tag .. can I still recognize it's him? My personal favorite: Ling in Mars .. enough said. "Ai Zai Ai Ni", yeah, that! Vic singing his Andy Lau's "Dao Zhuan Di Qiu" in Fantasy Concert (histerically uplifting .. OMG, the dance!! Andy must be really amused, he tried the steps himself and got a good laugh. How about if we let them two dance together? My world would definitely be spinning backward *rolling on the floor laughing*). And in that Pepsi Blue Storm event (with Jerry Yan and Louis Koo), he was just at his cutest, with the best hairstyle so far.
I admit, I am a slow-starter. Always am. F4 is already so yesterday, but it's never too late for something good. When Meteor Garden was booming in here, I didn't care that much. Simply because I didn't have time to follow the series, though I knew it was an unusual idol-drama adapted from manga .. and the four guys who starred in it were all good-looking (eh, who's that guy with that quiet smile .. the one who picked up the girl at the village?). I did intend to catch it on videos some time later though. But years gone by just like that. Then Ema, the founder of JYFI, offered me the series, including her precious collection of Jerry Yan.
Her question afterwards: Which one do you like most (read: Jerry Yan or Vic Zhou)?
My answer: Tough. It's not fair .. how come there are two characters (read: Dao Ming Shi and Hua Ze Lei), both are so sweet, in one single serial? How could I choose?
Comparing Jerry Yan with Vic Zhou. Ha! Choose? Nooooo!! I find it's almost impossible to do. I mean, why should I? From the very first time I saw them together on screen, I'd already known that I couldn't do it.
Because, they definitely complement each other. Dao Ming Shi is temperamental, Hua Ze Lei is calm. I thought Vic couldn't act, then he acted so brilliant in his next series. I thought Jerry could act, then he still could act well (only need a good movie/series to give a clearer result). I once described Jerry as "hot" and Vic as "cool" in their first series, but it turns out they can be the other way around .. Jerry is cool most of the times he makes an appearance, and Vic is damn hot in his following series. Jerry's voice is light (too light for his mature image), Vic's voice is deep (too deep for his boyish image). Though they both sang out of tune back then, their albums are all enjoyable .. (I'm afraid I have to give credit to the mixing in studio recording =D). Jerry gives this longing sensation in "Decoration", Vic as well in "I Feel You". They're both at the same height (told ya' I've seen Vic a little bit taller somehow, but zero point two cms variance is nothing). Jerry looks good in black, Vic looks good in blue .. they both look great in white ..
[pause] Now I'm getting really confused [/pause]
.. Jerry is the oldest, Vic is the youngest (of F4). Jerry has dimple on the left cheek, Vic has it on the right. Jerry's hair is brushed to the left, Vic's hair is brushed to the right. Jerry spoils Vic, Vic looks up to Jerry. And while Jerry lowers his head and gazes intensely, Vic winks and smiles innocently.
They're opposites, yet they're like a mirror-image. They're friends, they're brothers .. will you look at them?
(Whether or not off-screen they're not that close *shrug*, I can't deny they're so good together on-screen. My dream team. And no, they're not gay .. but who cares if they are? I know I don't. Can't have them anyway. Heheheh).
I often judge idols by their works. I rooted for Jerry at first .. because he was irresistible in Meteor Garden, also "Jerry for You" and all of his MVs were a pay off to his hard work.
But for the moment, I'm more into Vic .. just because of:
1. Mars. This should be enough, no? I found him in there .. not only one .. but TWO! Huah. I'd be glad to add Meteor Garden and Love Storm if necessary.
2. The colour of his singing voice. I've never heard angels' sing (I imagine they sound like children in soprano .. or with the pitch so high, barely audible to human ears) .. so I think it's not how I describe Vic's voice. I give a nod on the word "soothing" (exactly, Red_Star!). Though sometimes Vic sounded like he was about to cry when he sang certain songs, I'm definitely drowning in it. It's my lullaby, my ultimate comfort .. especially that zai zai ai ni (now I call it The Vic Anthem).
3. A long time ago, I happened to have too much time in my hand .. I followed a Meteor Garden quiz .. who's my suitable guy quiz or something like that. And guess with whom I ended up with? LEI!! AHA!! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!! (It's easy, by the way. Simply choose the answers that will lead you to Hua Ze Lei .. ^:^).
I may love Vic even more when Silence (See trailer Part 1 and Part 2) finally comes out. I may turn back to Jerry when The Hospital comes out. Phew. Why can't somebody just team them up? In another movie or in a duet whatever. For christsake, I was so disappointed when learning that one of my favorite songs from Vic - "How Come It's You" - was supposed to be sung as a duet. Jerry couldn't make it. Was busy or lost his voice, I'm not sure. But really, Jerry, c'mon .. I'm dying to find out how your voice combines with Vic's. The song is about two friends falling in love with the same girl. Check out this lyric: "How come it's you? You, my friend, are my enemy?" .. and then imagine Dao Ming Shi flashes in the background, desperately asking: "Why Lei? Why my best friend?" =D =D.
(I'm also not that kind of fans who would defend her idol blindly, at any cost .. including doing direspectful actions towards or bad-mouthing on other people's idols, just for the sake of popularity competition and jealousy. Vic's fans and Jerry's fans know better).
Gee, I think I've written long enough.
Well, I'm trying to take it slow cause I prefer to admire them in long-term. I won't single my idols out cause they both are extremely charming and adorable. They make my life merrier, - or they can make it complicated whenever someone catches me like an idiot smiling with that numb feeling everytime I've done watching their series.
They're the objects of my affection.
(and I still have Edward Norton and Adrien Brody in store)
(and don't get me even start on Vanness Wu. With his musical talent, with his current short hair and his westernized attitude .. he is really threatening)
Now please excuse me .. I'm going to bed and see if I can find any of them in my dream.