
perut rasa ketoprak
6:52pm May 25th, 2011
sibontot10 5:47pm May 17, 2011 on http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/opinion/why-the-blank-screens-indonesia/441443. ~ "It's really sad.. I no longer have respect to the current Indonesian Government.. Karma is my last hope for every abuse they have done." ~ LOL. I feel the pain ..
2:11am May 24th, 2011
Naik taksi jarak dekat 6k, gue kasih 10k aja ga ada kembalian. Sama2 ngotot ga ada uang kecil. Sopir pikir gue kere 4k aja perlu dibalikin. Gue pikir sopirnya aja yg mau nilep tips 60%. Sopir bilang gue ga usah bayar aja, buat "nambah-nambah". Penghinaan ala taksi Express. Gue tarik tu lembar 10k n kasih dia 1 lembar limaribuan + 5 logam seratusan. Gue menang 4.5k .. lumayan buat masuk celengan!
4:43pm May 23rd, 2011
Refreshing Feeds ............... still refreshing ............ refreshing .......... where's the effin feeds?? ......... !!#@###!!*$$¤!!##@@!!! *closing Facebook*
1:21pm May 22nd, 2011
checked in at that damn parking lot.
7:06pm May 18th, 2011
"Angry Birds suicide hotline, which level are you stuck on?" #FOL LOL
12:50am May 10th, 2011
mother's day. so ironic. .. n what happened to Dec 22nd?
7:20pm May 8th, 2011
Quote of the day - Netbook vs. iPad: "Netbooks are so popular lately, that it’s simply not cool enough to show off at your favorite cafe with a netbook. An iPad is something else. It’s cool. It’s lifestyle. It’s Apple."
12:35pm May 8th, 2011
paint it black.
10:56am May 8th, 2011
seriously?? people should be smarter in clicking FB thumb-up button.
7:53pm May 6th, 2011 (1 like)
Hold your children hand while they walk. Carry them when they're tired. Strap them on their stroller when you're tired. Three adults and an empty stroller, yet you still feel the need to control your child with a leash!!! Gawd!!! How do YOU feel when someone put the leash on YOU???!!!
10:00pm May 3rd, 2011 (1 like)
Hey you, people on the bus! Empty seats are not for your bags, laptops or your other things. Unless you buy extra tickets, do not give me that look when I'm asking you to move your stupid things off. I. NEED. A. SEAT. I. PAY. FOR. MY. SEAT. You dumbshithead!!
6:20pm May 3rd, 2011 (4 comments · 1 like)
The best way to tell someone you don't like them is to text them "370HSSV 0773H" and tell them to read it upside down. #BYUT
8:48pm April 30th, 2011 (2 comments)
wahai para pengendara motor yang menerobos lampu merah di garis penyeberangan, apakah dirimu buta warna?
12:08pm April 30th, 2011
our naked faces are finally revealed.
7:49pm April 27th, 2011
6:12pm April 27th, 2011
From http://litterzone.blogspot.com/2010/11/social-network.html I quote, "I open Facebook for: 1) To curse on things I don't get; 2) To share things THEY most likely don't get; 3) To give myself a cynical laugh at the stupidity, hypocrisy and all the idiotic things posted on it." So yeah. My Facebook, My world. I'm not here to please anyone but myself. If you can't take it, you see that remove/block button? There.
8:26pm April 26th, 2011
Sarcasm is one more service we offer.
5:18pm April 26th, 2011

oh and the judges. they surely know how to handle kids. pleasant.
11:49pm April 25th, 2011
Never get bored of watching Junior Masterchef Australia. Kids are amazing, food looks really stunningly delicious.
11:15pm April 25th, 2011
mati listrik jam segini .. langsung mati gaya ..
9:29pm April 25th, 2011
Ruth Sahanaya & Titi DJ .. "Cinta" .. SCTV .. now!! A jazzy version. Cool!
11:03pm April 24th, 2011
love this story: "I was sitting in a Walmart Mcdonalds, pretending to play the drums on a table.A small boy walked by and he joined in. We ending up playing the most amazing beat, and when I stopped, the kid applauded me and smiled, His mother looked at me and smiled.There wasn't a single word involved. KGMH." Apr 23, 2011 @ 7:00 pm by Anonymous, Canada
1:01pm April 24th, 2011
kejebak hujan di tempat jualan martabak. Jadi? yuuk mari makan martabaknyaaa ..
10:09pm April 23rd, 2011
I love April. Resembles blooming spring, radiant flowers, cool breeze, colorful eggs, cute bunnies, clear diamonds and cheerful birthday wishes. My 2nd favorite after December.
10:20am April 22nd, 2011
Ibu kita Kartini,putri sejati. Putri Indonesia, harum namanya. Ibu kita Kartini, pendekar bangsa. Pendekar kaumnya, untuk merdeka. Wahai, Ibu kita Kartini, putri yang mulia. Sungguh besar cita-citanya bagi Indonesiaaaa .. (and how would you think you could ever remember this song if it's not because of our children?)
2:17pm April 21st, 2011
"My Dad has been in a wheel chair for 14 years, because he got into a car accident.Today at my wedding, he walked me down the aisle. I couldn't stop crying. GMH." Apr 10, 2011 @ 8:00 pm by Kate, New York. Damn.
7:13pm April 18th, 2011
Missed the bus by a minute, I guess it just left earlier than usual. Stranded (again) waiting for the next bus, which I don't know when it's gonna come. Blackberry is fully-charged. iPod is fully-charged. Leehom is singing non-stop, guess what songs. Reading "Give Me Hope" through the device. Who says Monday can't be wonderful? Season with sarcasm to the taste.
6:53pm April 18th, 2011 (1 comment)
Post-weekend syndrome.
7:50am April 18th, 2011
If God had a Facebook account, He would be very busy texting answers to all prayers sent to His wall. Or He would simply click on the LIKE button without any comments.
2:01am April 18th, 2011
Heavy rain at central Jakarta. Drive carefully, friends. Do not play with your phone, blackberry or iPad while driving ^_^
6:49pm April 17th, 2011 (1 like)
2:30pm April 17th, 2011
mencari jalan tuk menembus Istora Senayan. Shit. Org2 kurang kerjaan pada parkir sepanjang MPR-Senayan-Sudirman-Asia Africa.
2:09pm April 17th, 2011
Jakarta, today's Sunday. Please give us a break from your traffic jam. Please?
1:47pm April 17th, 2011
"cute as a button". ok. puppies are cute. babies are cute. but .. buttons?? cute?? sometimes I don't get it.
11:59pm April 16th, 2011 (1 comment)
Falling Leaves Return to Roots. Everything. Another Heaven. The First Morning. Forever Love. Finally. Repeat. An ultimate traffic-jam mood healer.
8:27pm April 14th, 2011 (1 like)
“Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other." ~ Oscar Wilde
10:26am April 10th, 2011
10:53am April 9th, 2011
baru baca berita ttg penembakan anak sekolah usia 9-15 di Brazil. WTF?!! Napa beraninya nembak anak2?
10:49am April 9th, 2011
Mat and Mom was listening to Backstreet Boys' "The Call" on the iPod. When the phone rang and the lady answered, "Hello?", Mat approached the iPod and responded, "Halo? Ini siapa? Halo iPod, ini siapa? Ah, bodo. iPodnya ga bisa jawab!"
12:26am April 2nd, 2011
.. (continued) Citibank follows a strict code of conduct related to debt collection practices which all our non-direct staff representatives are required to adhere to during all interactions with customers. -- YEA RIGHT!! *rolling eyes*
8:01pm April 1st, 2011 (1 comment)
A statement from Citibank: On behalf of Citibank, we would like to express our condolences to the family. We are working closely with the family to help them in this very difficult time in a number of ways. The police are still investigating this case and it would [be] inappropriate to comment further on the specifics of the case. (continues..)
7:59pm April 1st, 2011
udah duduk paling belakang, bus ditabrak pula sampe kaca belakang pecah. akhirnya sekarang gue berdiri sementara jalanan macet seperti biasa. Jumat malam yang sempurna!
7:20pm April 1st, 2011 (8 comments)

jiaaah. jam segini tol masih macet?
11:24pm March 31st, 2011

Too much information. Somebody please just shoot me.
1:27pm March 31st, 2011 (1 comment)

Welcome .. to So You Think You Can Jam!
8:40am March 30th, 2011

pergi pulang lewat tol Jakarta - Tangerang di hari Senin memang ruar biasa.
8:54pm March 28th, 2011

mati gaya. bzzzzzt!!
7:26pm March 28th, 2011

iPod .. iPhone .. iPad .. iPay lots and lots and lots. Sounds like a word puzzle game.
7:17pm March 28th, 2011

my FB home is getting crowded with people checking-in at everywhere.
11:26am March 27th, 2011

at Ta-Wan Lippo Supermal. And Mat said, "Mom, this was where we dined before we saw Narnia." Of all so many restaurants we visited, how could he remember that? Kid's long memory .. daaaaamnn!!
1:14pm March 26th, 2011 (1 like)

Good movies, where the hell are you?
7:43pm March 25th, 2011

Facebook: What's on your mind? Twitter: what's happening? Foursquare: Where are you? The web is like a worried mom.
5:06pm March 19th, 2011 (1 like)

SOURCE CODE is comin soon!! JAKE!! AAAAAA!!!
11:47am March 19th, 2011

8:53pm March 15th, 2011

ALERT!! ALERT!! My email account has been compromised. If you receive any email from me (gmail) containing any uncertain link, PLEASE DO NOT OPEN!! Do take note that I usually end up my emails with a particular signature. Without it, be aware!
8:47pm March 15th, 2011

what if you were in Japan and you couldn't run from the nuclear explosion threat?
8:42am March 15th, 2011

okeee. time to sleep again .. in the bus .. for the next two hours.
8:35am March 15th, 2011

p.a.t.i.e.n.c.e. where are you? why are you so hard to find? why do you make people so annoying when they don't have you?
10:26pm March 14th, 2011 (2 comments)

the ones that can hurt you the most always those who are closest to you.
8:23am March 12th, 2011 (1 comment)

shattered. exiled. broken-hearted.
2:23am March 12th, 2011

10hrs, weekday, 90 iPads sold. Holy shit.
7:11pm March 11th, 2011

One said, you can't run or hide from an earthquake. If it's a killer, you'll be in danger no matter where you are. If it's not, then you'll be safe even when you don't move an inch. So what to do when earthquake or tsunami happens? Pray for God and Mother Earth's mercy. And if you're spared, start treating human race compassionately and your living environment kindly.
5:59pm March 11th, 2011

Ada yg pipis di pinggir jalan trus kena sorot lampu bus. Guys, don't you know that toilet bowl has been invented since ages ago? Why do you have to mark your territory everywhere?
6:44pm March 9th, 2011

Try this on your PC: open Google, fill in keyword Who's the cutest?, then click I'm feeling lucky button. See what's the answer for your question and smile heartily. Happy Wednesday Evening! Two more days to go for the weekend.
5:49pm March 9th, 2011

Definisi "cantik" menurut Mat: rambut panjang warna hitam .. dan mengenakan anting-anting. Sederhana dan mudah sekali. Jadi pagi ini gue dipilihin anting n disuruh pake. Masih untung ga disuruh keramas pake kemiri, urang-aring dan minyak kelapa.
7:35am March 9th, 2011 (2 comments)

Jack Twist Reborn needs a rescue. You're so cute, please don't die.
12:20am March 9th, 2011

Mayday! I need facebook lotion. Er .. I mean, facial lotion.
1:47pm March 7th, 2011

What's the most expensive jam in the world? Traffic Jam. You pay for your time, energy, shoes, gasoline, and if you're having it in tollways, there's a ticket you need to buy.
8:24am March 7th, 2011 (3 comments)

Pagi yang indah. Hari yang menawan. Yah, gue ditawan di jalan tol di Senin pagi yang indah dan penuh semangat ini. Menakjubkan sekali, bukan?
7:15am March 7th, 2011 (2 comments)

tol serpong, you gotta be kidding me, right? right??
6:58am March 7th, 2011

sinetron oh sinetron. kapankah kau bisa layak untuk kutonton?? menyedihkan.
9:08pm March 6th, 2011

All of us have a thousand wishes. To be thinner, have more money, a new phone. A cancer patient only has one wish, to kick cancer's ass. I know that 97% of you won't post this as your status, but my friends will be the 3% that do. In honour of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, post this for at least one hour.
10:03am March 6th, 2011

You will not care, but I'm sharing this to you anyway. I quote: "Someone loses their life to smoking every 8 seconds somewhere in the world". You better make sure you don't drag other people to die along with you. http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/tobaccorelateddiseases/a/smokingrisks.htm
8:26am March 3rd, 2011 (1 comment · 1 like)

F! x 999999999999
7:30am March 3rd, 2011

listening to Westlife's "Unbreakable" on the bus. Soothing. Ah, I miss those lads. Who doesn't like Westlife songs hasn't tried listening to it while sitting on a bus engine cap, after a frustrating workday, throughout 33kms of traffic. While the dusk sky is brightly, beautifully orangish-red. Orangish? Is that even in the dictionary??
6:08pm March 2nd, 2011

I wonder how far internet is bugging into our working environment. Almost everything needs to be done and communicated through network. If it's not working well, you cannot do your work efficiently you are left so stressed up. Your mood is worsen, your desk is like a jungle out there, you can't find your pen because you're busy cursing the net. You're practically losing your mind.
5:44pm March 2nd, 2011

where the hell is my weekend?
7:43am March 2nd, 2011 (2 comments)

no charger. so, no hp, no bb. back to basic: pc. qiqiqiqiqi.
8:26pm February 28th, 2011

Living World sucks. Cari tempat duduk buat makan susaaaaahhh!!

cinema time. see you later FB.

You know they're ugly when their profile picture is a CELEBRITY, CAR, OR ANIMAL. — #DRT. - Do you agree with this one? I DON'T. Totally disagree eventhough sometimes I wonder if the puppies on the pics are the ones who update the status.

burung kakatua hinggap di jendela .. nenek sudah tua tinggal di jendela .. sepasang burung putih burung kakatua .. burung putih putih .. nenek sudah tua ..

Cause I miss you, body and soul so that it takes my breath away. And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today. Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right. And though I can't be with you tonight, you know my heart is by your side.

Birdseye-view, awake the stars cause they are all around you. Wide-eyes will always brighten the blue. Chase your dreams and remember me, sweet bravery. Cause after all those wings will take you up so high. So bid the forest floor goodbye as you brace the wind and take to the sky .. du-du-du-du-dudududududududu ..

merana .. meronta .. menjerit .. MACEEETTTTTT!!!

Tips for all critics, including me: Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes. ~ Jack Handey

When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me. ~ Emo Philips

bye bye vampires of Breaking Dawn. bye bye wizards of Harry Potter 7.2. welcome pocong of Indonesian movies. you happy now??

it's nice to face swimming pool instead of computer monitor for a change.

when you think kids don't make any sense .. http://litterzone.blogspot.com/2011/02/master-who-knows-all.html

Taxi, taxi, where are you?
10:03pm February 23rd, 2011

There are 3 types of ppl in the world: ppl who make things happen, ppl who watch things happen & ppl who wonder what the HELL just happened. #DRT
10:00pm February 23rd, 2011

Life is like Facebook. People will LIKE your problems & comment, but no one will solve them because everyone is BUSY updating theirs. #SLT
10:05am February 22nd, 2011

*rotfl* I see Apple is supposedly releasing an iPhone Mini. I'm waiting for the iPhone shuffle that calls random people. RT @funnyhumour
10:40am February 21st, 2011

Blue sky above Jakarta. Rare.
4:02pm February 20th, 2011

"Indonesia constantly performs the anatomically impossible by constantly screwing itself." quoted from blightyboy - a responder of the recent issue on America film producers' threat to boycott exports to Indonesia due to custom tax regulation soon-to-be-applied by our country. Our idiotic government never learn. Never. *shaking head in disbelief*.
1:55am February 19th, 2011 (1 like)

totally wasted but excited, cause you know what? Friday is finally coming!!
11:38pm February 17th, 2011

I need Friday evening.
7:50pm February 16th, 2011

crazy day
7:18pm February 16th, 2011

A FLYING COCKROACH!! HWAAAAAA!!! Why do cockroaches even exist on this planet???
10:27pm February 15th, 2011 (1 comment · 1 like)

V-Day is almost over. What've you got today? Flowers? Boxes of Chocolates? A Romantic. Dinner for Two? First Kiss? A New Love? A Ring? Hugs and Kisses from Beloved Ones? A Strengthened Relationship? Whatever it is, keep the feelings alive for this whole year. Till we meet again on Valentine's Day 2012 ^_^.
10:59pm February 14th, 2011 (3 comments)

Good morning .. Today's Special on Facebook menu: Love Quotes and Love Songs. Love is in the air la-la-la ..
9:08am February 14th, 2011 (1 comment · 1 like)

real groovy. Rika Roeslan, love your voice. always. so happy they still have quite a fanbase after all these years.
11:38pm February 13th, 2011

atit peyut MC SMS gokiiiiilllll
9:58pm February 13th, 2011

Valentine's Day seharusnya jatuh di Sabtu malam. All the time.
9:37pm February 13th, 2011

jomblo @ sms
8:13pm February 13th, 2011

nungguin barongsai masuk rumah .. hoaahm ..
3:26pm February 13th, 2011

recalling Titanic http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/CineFriends/message/5465
12:26am February 13th, 2011

Leo masih ceking .. hihihih ..

Titanic. RCTI. Now. Aaa, never get bored of it. A beautiful love story.

"Kutahu hanyalah dirimu yang mampu begitu, melakukan semua inginku. Kutahu semua rinduku punya arti satu: kuingin miliki dirimu, cinta .." ~ The Groove, live at Summarecon Mal Serpong, 13Feb @7pm. Guarantee I'll be there!

I'm perfect in my imperfections, secure in my insecurities, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own way. #DRT WHO AGREE? RAISE YOUR THUMB.

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. *lol*

when the truth reveals its naked face ..

KETEMU!!! Hip hip HOORAY!!

"Pemilik Mobil Pribadi Dilarang Mengkonsumsi BBM Bersubsidi." Tsk. You stupid fool. Really?? You think the owners are robots or something? It's not people who consume gasoline. It's THE CAR! I can't wait to see another version of this ridiculous statement.

I'm not addicted to the Internet. I only surf when I have time: lunch time, break time, off time, no time, this time, any time, all the time. #iFuckedUpTweets

setelah sekian tahun bersama, akhirnya harus kurelakan dikau pergi .. hiks .. pen parker tercintaku, dimanakah dikau berada sekarang??


A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third! -Tumblr #SLT AWWWW!

Let's admit it, we're all scared of FLYING COCKROACHES. #OhTeen


When I sit in the passenger seat, I control the radio. *evil grin*

counting the days to 12th Feb.

what's for supper?

Women fall in love by what they hear. Men fall in love by what they see. that's why most of the women put make up and most of the men lie..

Saying "fuck you" used to be the best comeback... until people started saying, "how hard?" and "when?" #iThinkThatWay BAHAHAHA!

This sex, is sex, how sex, you sex, keep sex, a sex, dumb sex, ass sex, busy sex, for sex, 20 seconds. Read this again but don't say sex.

Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genious and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. #iThinkThatWay

Living without you is like Facebook without friends, Youtube without videos, and Google without results. #ThinkTeen

kenapa siihhh jam segini gue belom bisa mandi jugaaaaaaa?? mang ada yg pikirin gitu ..
10:02pm February 6th, 2011

I just found out that I have click layers of pages just to get to my own uploaded videos and links on Facebook. *frustrated*. Zuckerberg, you suck!
8:49pm February 6th, 2011

I <3 it when you like my status.
8:18pm February 6th, 2011 (1 comment · 1 like)

Facebook should have one regulation for people posting food and puppy status/pics. The poster should attach the real food and puppies posted for all friends.
7:20pm February 6th, 2011

Watching television today often means fighting, violence and foul language. And that's just deciding who get the remote control. #funnyoneliners
2:43pm February 6th, 2011 (1 like)

Good morning, Pouring Rain. Good morning, Hidden Sun. Good morning, Cloudy Sky. Good morning, Sleepy Birds. Nothing beats the feeling cuddling in my warm blanket. Yet the taxi's waiting and I have to leave the coziness of my home. Till later, Loved Ones. Don't get up and stay where you are till I'm back. So I can see you in the way I left you.
8:41am February 6th, 2011

Konser Sang Dewi Titi DJ. Metro TV now.
10:05pm February 5th, 2011

"Pemilik Mobil Pribadi Dilarang Mengemis BBM Bersubsidi." Ah. Screw you. I will beg for everything CHEAPER. Don't say you won't.
8:23pm February 5th, 2011 (3 likes)

nyetir sambil tiduran
12:52pm February 5th, 2011

tomorrow is Saturday, isn't it?
10:30pm February 4th, 2011 (3 comments)

thinking of changing profession .. jadi mandor.
2:58pm February 4th, 2011

no network, no phone line. doesn't feel like working.
1:15pm February 4th, 2011

Jeruk - Lengkeng - Lapis Legit - Lapis Surabaya - Nastar: OVERLOAD!
6:33pm February 3rd, 2011

A child says to his mom, "Mommy, I colored your sheets with lipstick." In anger, she starts to hit her child until he was unconscious.Then she regrets what she has done, crying, she says to her child,"please open your eyes," but it was too late.His tiny heart had stopped beating.When she walked into her bedroom, the sheet said,"I LOVE YOU MOMMY." STOP CHILD ABUSE ♥
4:11pm February 3rd, 2011

Delon. RCTI. Singing Andy Lau. Now.
9:45am February 3rd, 2011 (4 comments · 1 like)

Sejarah barongsai, seperti diceritakan oleh Mat2: "Barongsai dari Cina, lari-lari pindah ke mall. Terus makan angpao, dancing, terus pulang deh." Gong Xi Fa Chai, everyone
11:35pm February 2nd, 2011 (1 comment)

oi, First Media! You're in a snailspeed.
7:13pm February 2nd, 2011

Dear smokers, Me coughing loudly as you walk by isn't nearly as rude as you polluting my lungs. Sincerely, non-smoker. #OhTeen
7:01pm February 2nd, 2011

this is why I love twitter: "Twitter makes you improve your writing, the 140 character limit forces you to master the art of getting to the point."
6:58pm February 2nd, 2011 (1 like)

People say you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you’d lose it. #OhTeen
6:47pm February 2nd, 2011

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep - not screaming, like the passengers in his car. #OhTeen HAHAHAHA OMG ILMAO.
6:39pm February 2nd, 2011

OMG THIS ACTUALLY WORKS: Hold your breath for 72 hours and you should be dead. #OhTeen
6:31pm February 2nd, 2011

After four centuries, the semicolon has finally achieved it's true calling: helping people wink online ;-)
9:57am February 2nd, 2011

7:50am February 2nd, 2011

"Smoking is now considered a sign of weakness rather than sophistication." (Getting Corporate p59). Hah. Exactly.
11:24pm February 1st, 2011 (1 comment · 1 like)

"If you are what you eat, I'd like to order something rich."
9:21pm February 1st, 2011 (2 comments)

Love Pandas, they're so chill. They're like "Dude, racism is stupid. I'm White, Black, & Asian." #SLT *rotfl*
9:16pm February 1st, 2011

I have money charm and lucky charm on my bag. I hang good-luck cat, well-wishes cat and learning charm on my office monitor. Still nothing happens. O well, at least they're cute and colorful.
8:55pm February 1st, 2011

trying not to be too stressed up. jadi .. mari makan sate ayam di pinggir jalan duluuuu .. yuk.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door, drag that damn opportunity near the door and hand it a sledgehammer to tear it down.

Mat's report card said, "Mathieu is being and honest boy these days. He always rises his hand when teacher ask who's not being good today, and will tell teachers the not good thing he did." Huh. Kinda bring honesty to a different level, he did.

home. finally.

In exams, we look up for inspiration, down for desperation, left and right for information. #DRT

I need a drink.

.. I promise to make you feel proud when you point down the hall and say, 'That dude's my boyfriend.' And I promise to do all of those things without ever trying to sound like Matthew McConaughey." ~ Sam from Glee.

.. to never pressure you to do anything more than kiss, to listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth or eye gunk, to come over to your house whenever you need something super heavy moved around ..

"I want to marry you, someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring? If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you to be true ..

papercuts! *irritated*

a never ending office story.

"Memories fade, but a Google search never forgets." ~ Perry White.  January 20 at 12:38am

zebra cross is useless. traffic light at zebra cross is useless. so how do pedestrians cross the street! have a death wish , and CROSS the street!  January 19 at 8:27am

Facebook glitch! Have I just accidently replaced my friend's comment with my own?? Uh-oh!  January 19 at 12:37am 

a very good place to die: GAS STATION, TRAPPED ON A VEHICLE WITH ITS ENGINE RUNNING while the driver is outside filling up the tank. KA-BOOOM!!! People just don't care anymore.  January 17 at 9:51pm 

jalan tol dalam kota arah Slipi macet, ada kendaraan pribadi terbakar. Turut berdukacita kpd pemiliknya. Semoga claim asuransinya berhasil. Demikian sekilas info.  January 17 at 9:26pm 

tobat. Tobaaat!  January 12 at 7:34pm

penutupan jaringan blackberry bertujuan untuk menghalangi akses ke situs pornografi. Idiots!! Discuss.  January 10 at 10:51pm

Mat keeps singing those tunes from Musikal Laskar Pelangi, "Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi .." Raaah! The downside of a broken disc player.  January 9 at 8:55pm

KFC Supermal Karawaci. I really don't get their effin' service. I. Will. Never. Buy. Anything. From. Their. Outlet. Again! Never!!  January 9 at 7:57pm

musikal Laskar Pelangi will be back in July 2011!! Grab it when you can!  January 9 at 6:09pm

I HATE BUS LIPPO!!!  January 6 at 6:09pm

"With every great relationship, comes a great burden .. and the strength to carry it." ~ Hawkman  January 5 at 11:26pm

the first day of the year is always an anti-climax compared to the last day of the year.  January 1 at 4:25pm

is surrounded by free firework shows. Happy New Year, Everyone!  January 1 at 12:40am 

My Status