Have you ever received this on your social networking sites?
"Mark Zuckerberg is hospitalised due to serious injuries. Chuck Norris poked him on Facebook."
I have. On my Twitter. I'd really like to share it on my Facebook. (Yea, I got both accounts).
And I forgot to share it until I saw The Social Network. Then I wish someone as tough as Chuck Norris could really gave him a good punch on the face, I mean, by not virtually. So he would end up not just being hospitalised, but also paralysed. Then Facebook would go off line, and we would have world peace because we spent time better in a quality life.
Where was I in 2005? Oh. Busy sending sms, blogging, writing to this group and enjoying my daily life without having to read some other people's narcissism-they-called-it-socializing. Now, at least once a day I open Facebook for: 1) To curse on things I don't get; 2) To share things THEY most likely don't get.
Make it 3) To give myself a cynical laugh at the stupidity, hypocrisy and all the idiotic things posted on it.
When you think someone would actually care when you had a successful poo-time.
Seriously, people?!
Zuckerberg has invented a really genius thing. Despite of how he'd done it by stealing and betraying (suspiciously). The movie told us about the process. What happened at first it was meant as a mockery, it expanded large enough to crash a university network, and then the whole world bow down to his success as the youngest billionaire. Turning someone who was just annoyingly (and really smart) nerd into someone who was frighteningly cold and ambitious. Mark Zuckerberg was not an asshole, so they said, but he was trying hard to be one. I wonder why his name always rings "Sucker-berg" all this time.
I'd never really feel like digging into the real Mark Zuckerberg's story. I just admire him in one way or another because he's in a generation who are simply relentless in information and technology. People like him, can (and will) make a better world for us to live in. They connect us easily. Here and there I read successful causes raise to help humanity. Family and friends found each other.
I still love Facebook. It is an effective media for advertising and self-promoting. Though sometimes it is totally unnecessary and overwhelming, thinking about those crap people, and I, threw onto the wall for all to read. Do we love being a narcissist? Absolutely.
But The Social Network teaches me about some cost people have to pay for an ambition. And the secret of the success, makes me wanna cease the social networking. A bit.
Whether or not it's a fictional, a movie, some dramatised plot based on a true story.
Chuck, go get him quick. Before Oscar visits the acting, writing and directing department. Before the sucker fixes his color blind and change Facebook into electric shocking pink.
Before my friends, who currently have more than 1,000 friends (and they're not even celebrities), can get to 500,000,000 friends and make some enemies.
Me, I will just simply remove my enemies from my friendlist.
And you bet I'm posting this on my social networking sites too.
-- as posted in CineFriends --
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See the zero "Like" or "Comment" there? I share things they DON'T get. Exactly.