Judging how easy and fun it was when Mat and I
raided a photo booth back then, presumably I'd very much like doing it again with Owen.
Turned out, there were couple of things I failed to acknowledge beforehand:
- He was just a baby, with his ever-changing baby mood.
- Though he loved to smile upon seeing his (and my) reflection in the mirror most of the time, I couldn't say the same of him seeing his (and my) face on the monitor.
- No one else inside the booth that could help calling out for him, or cheering him up, or waving at him to trigger his laughs.
- Strange sound, like the sound of the background roller, scared the hell out of him.
- He might be claustrophobic too.
- Carrying a 10-kg baby, comforting him, getting him to look at the camera lens' direction, while trying to hold both of our poses inside the frame through time-countdown, required an expert skill. Smiling needed some power-ups.
Then Mat came knocking on the booth's door in the middle of the second session, and joined into the crowd. By this time, Owen was already too upset. Pretty sure if he could, he would say to the camera, "NOOO!! You and I, END. NOW!", and then he would smack the camera till its doom.
Well, it was fun, indeed, that we gave another visit to the booth the following week. This time, with Oma. I told Mat they could use the props available in the booth.
I waited outside and the studio staff allowed me to join her screening the photo results on the master computer. We heard noises from the booth - Mat laughing and instructing things, Owen cooing and whining, Oma talking to both of the kids. Sounded like a mini-riot in there. And when the results were appearing one by one on the computer, boy, we really had a giggling fit.
Out of 16 shots (granted from 8 shots originally), we printed these ..
*giggling continues*
Definitely we would do it again some time, with Papa.