What Did Mickey Do?

"I Will Survive" - Star Style!
Listen to what they're saying to Ellen.
(In appearance order, and if you don't know who they are, GOOGLE it!)
Jamie Foxx: At first I was afraid
Jake Gyllenhaal: I was petrified
Sharon Osbourne: Kept thinking I could never live ..
Paris Hilton: .. without you by my side
Victoria Beckham: But then I spent so many nights
Heidi Klum: Thinking how you did me wrong
Jack McBrayer: And I grew strong
Jake Gyllenhaal: And I learned how to get along
Queen Latifah: And so you're back from outer space
Kate Walsh: I just walked in to find you here ..
Jamie Foxx: .. with that sad look upon your face
Jack McBrayer: I should have changed that stupid lock
David Spade: I should have made you leave your key
Paris Hilton: If I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Celine Dion: Go on, now go ..
Queen Latifah: .. walk out the door!
Jake Gyllenhaal: Just turn around now
Heidi Klum: You're not welcome anymore
David Spade: Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye, did you think ..
Masi Oka: .. I'd crumble?
Victoria Beckham: Did you think I'd lay down and die?
David Spade: Oh no, not I, I will survive
Heidi Klum: Oh, as long as I know how ..
Jake Gyllenhaal: .. to love I know I'll stay alive
Celine Dion: I've got all my life to live, I've got all my love to give
Jamie Foxx: I will survive, I will survive, yeah, yeah
Now let's do statistic.
Number of Appearance:
The Best Dancer:
Queen Latifah
David Spade. (well I could say it's Jake *grin*, but David totally cracked me up. Oh, and Heidi's batting-eyelashes .. adorable!).
Click here to view "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor.
Fallen Leaves Return to Roots
who could think of anything more perfect than listening to this song?
Luo Ye Gui Gen
Fallen Leaves Return to Roots
Composed by: Wang Leehom
Lyrics by: Wang Leehom
* 舉頭望無盡灰雲
ju tou wang wu jin hui yun
My head lifts to gaze the endless gray clouds
na ji jie jiao zuo ji mo
That season is called loneliness
bei bao sai man le jia yong
My backpack is full of personal necessities
lo jiu zhe yang kai shi zou
And that is how my road began
ri bu jian tai yang de nuan
The warmth of the sun cannot be seen in the day
ye bu jian yue guang de lan
The blue of the moonlight cannot be seen in the night
bu de bu xuan ze han leng de kai shi
There is no choice but to choose a cold beginning
liu xia zhi yong you yi han
Staying here will only have regret
命運 的安排
ming yun de an pai
Fate's arrangement
zun shou zi ran de luo ji
Abiding nature's logic
誰 都無法揭謎底
shei dou wu fa jie mi di
No one is able to uncover the riddle
e ~
Oh ~
** 遠離家鄉 不甚唏噓
yuan li jia xiang, bu shen xi xu
Far from hometown, no extreme sobbing
huan hua cheng qiu ye
Transforming into autumn leaves
er wo que xiang luo ye gui gen
But I’m feeling like fallen leaves return to roots
zhui zai ni xin jian
Falling into your heart
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單
ji fen you yu, ji fen gu dan
A little of sorrow, a little of loneliness
dou xin gan qing yuan
I am all willing to
wo de ai xiang luo ye gui gen
My love is like fallen leaves return to roots
家 唯獨在你身邊
jia... wei du zai ni shen bian
Home… will only be by your side
Repeat *, **
dan yun pei ni zhao hui
I wish to accompany you to find back
sui yi shi de yong heng
The eternity which was lost
dang wo kai kou ni que shen mo
When I speak you were silent
zhi sheng yi chang meng
And only a dream was left
wo que xiang luo ye gui gen
I’m feeling like fallen leaves return to roots
zhui zai ni xin jian
Falling into your heart
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單
ji fen you yu, ji fen gu dan
A little of sorrow, a little of loneliness
dou xin gan qing yuan
I am all willing to
wo de ai xiang luo ye gui gen
My love is like fallen leaves return to roots
家 唯獨在你身邊
jia... wei du zai ni shen bian
Home… will only be by your side
Lyrics are taken from here
There are only three dominant elements I hear in "Luo Ye Gui Gen". 1st: Piano, the queen of music instruments. 2nd: Violin, the king of music instruments. 3rd: Vocal, behold, it's the master of all.
When I caught Wang Leehom perfoming this song on his 2008 Music Man Live Concert DVD, for me, it's the highlight of the show. They put Lust, Caution (2007) gallery as background - yea, that's Kuang Yu Min and all the ladies were hysterical. The music was a bit heavier in the second part of the song (was it drum I heard?), but it hardly ruined the piece. The golden lightings were beautiful. And I love the way camera's capturing Leehom. He stood there playing his violin, rendering the song as soulful as he could be.
Truly an intense performance. The best of his songs to date.
Some People are Just Too Dumb
As you may or may not know, that there is a film-rating system that can give you a lead of what is suitable or not suitable for viewings in regards to age of moviegoers. For every movie that is rated, it's always written in certain logo or symbol that can be easily found on posters, trailers or even before the movie's started.
This is the Motion Picture Association of America's film rating system for dummies:
Bet you saw that before. Whether or not you understand the meaning, it's oftenly neglected by you nonetheless. Did you think it's for decoration only?? You still take your children to cinema watching an R-rated movie. Or your baby - that's right, your baby - watching a PG-13 movie. You will say that you love movies so much, that you're not willing to put it a rest just because you can't leave your children at home. You will say that you love your children so dearly, that you'd like to take them anywhere with you including to see a violent movie. In some extreme cases, you send the under-age to cinema without guardian, so that you can have your shopping-spree undisturbed for two hours. Can't you send them to the playground instead??? You won't know what your children are doing inside the studio. Throwing popcorn-fights, kicking the back of people's seats, laughing hard, screaming and running up-and-down the aisle, completely an annoyance to the rest of the audience. Oh, and what movie they're watching, say again? You won't remember the title, let alone knowing the rating.
Later if you found that your children had something inside their closets, or if they inhabitted some kind of an attitude imitating whoever or whatever they got from the movies, who would you blame?? Sure, the theater management can implement age-restriction, the personnels can always check some IDs or simply observe the size of mini-audience that go into the studio. Sure, you can always blame the movie importers or producers for releasing such negative movies. But don't count on it. You think those people will listen to your stupid complaints?? Think again!! It's YOU who don't follow the ratings. It's YOU who're taking the children to the cinema. It's YOU who're buying the tickets. YOU are the one who responsible for your own children!! Yeah, it all solely lies on YOU, the parents!!
You do know that there's always a way to enjoy movies. Sneak out of your children's nap time. Leave them with their grannies. Take turn with your spouse if you don't mind going to the cinema alone. As the last resort, you can always buy or rent videos and watch it after your children are secured in their bedroom at night.
If you still don't give a damn, well, there is one more rating-system that will apply perfectly on you.
Function: noun
a person affected with mild mental retardation
a very stupid person
Function: noun
a person affected with moderate mental retardation
fool, idiot
Function: noun
a person affected with extreme mental retardation
a foolish or stupid person
Choose one and congratulations, you're eligible for a free spanking as well. Now go to your room, you're grounded, you dumb-stupid-fool!!
-- as posted in CineFriends --
Tiga Kali Surga
Bapa kami yang ada di SURGA
Dimuliakanlah namaMu
Datanglah kerajaanMu
Jadilah kehendakMu
Di atas bumi seperti di dalam SURGA
Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini
Dan ampunilah kesalahan kami
Seperti kami mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami
Dan janganlah masukkan kami ke dalam .. SURGA
Mama berdoa:
Bapa kami yang ada di surga, bukan maksud Mat-Mat menolak masuk surga. Dia hanya menambahi dua surga yang sudah disebut duluan di depan.
Si Bakat Dicari oleh Seluruh Indonesia
Mat: Ma, ini lagu apa tu?
Mama: Huh? Lagu apa ya? Mama ga tau.
Mat: Yang itu, yang kemaren sore Mama nonton tu.
Mama: Indonesian Idol?
Mat: Bukan.
Mama: Indonesia Mencari Bakat?
Mat: Iya. Iya. Itu. Indonesia mencari Bakat.
Mama: Memangnya ini lagu Indonesia Mencari Bakat?
Mat: Iya kaaaaaan. Bener lagunya kan?
Mama: Judulnya apa, Mat?
Mat: Ga tau.
Mama: Yang nyanyi siapa?
Mat: Bakat.