Yeah. Told ya I'd see all his movies. Well, not all, to be honest. But I'll keep finding them as many as I can.
So let's start from where I left. Where was I .. hmm .. oh. In watch order: Bubble Boy, October Sky, The Good Girl, The Day After Tomorrow, Donnie Darko, Moonlight Mile, Proof, Zodiac, Rendition .. [insert pause here .. a long pause] .. Wait. I don't think I ever write any comments on the last three movies. Hmm.
I kinda lost Jake after that. Not until this year when suddenly he caught my attention again with his Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I got pretty cynical at first, hearing the buzz that it's based on a game, and I didn't fancy any game-based movie. And Jake .. what the hell was he thinking playing in the movie like this? I mean, c'mon, apart from Bubble Boy and The Day After Tomorrow, it just didn't click to his existing list of works. Especially when the last movie I saw was Rendition. But it's Jake Gyllenhaal. I couldn't let the opportunity to see him on big screen pass me by after the very long pause mentioned above.
So there I went, with one coke and two bags of caramel popcorn in my hand. When Disney Castle showed at the beginning .. o man, a Disney movie?? Gotta be kidding me, right, Jake?? Well I could blame it on my dull knowledge of Prince of Persia, but seriously, what other suprises you got me there? Did you think I would enjoy watching you having fun playing in a Bruckheimer-Disney-light-family movie?? You're right, I would. I liked the movie. Not so overwhelmed by the story, but it was indeed very entertaining. The actions were good, the special effects were descent. And Jake, with all buffed and tanned and long hair, mostly appeared dirty and unrecognizable.. couldn't say it's my favorite look, but I didn't mind. Remember when I wrote that he got something in his manner, he surely still got it here. He's just way sweeter than the popcorn I chewed. He made me recalling why I liked him at the first place.
I'm re-falling in love.
So happened Brothers was also played around the same time. I got the recommendation from Rotten Tomatoes, and of course from my always-reliable JB. This movie put Tobey Maguire into the darkest side of his acting, that landed him in awards nomination. He's crazy, definitely got to the very edge of my nerves. The truth is, I wouldn't choose this movie should there haven't been Jake Gyllenhaal (and later I would thank Natalie Portman and the two cutie-pies as well). Don't get me wrong, it's a very good movie well-executed by all actors. But the mood was gloomy and cruel, it's "Zodiac and Rendition" feeling. Natalie Portman was very mature, never seen her like this before. Jake, he's a bit undertoned, shadowed by the explosive Tobey Maguire. However, there are two scenes worth a whole movie: 1) When Tommy told Grace he made peace with his ex-victim (and then they kissed .. oooo); 2) When Isabelle bursted out about her mom and her uncle (then Tommy gave her niece this very quiet look .. a mixture of disbelief, betrayal, understanding and other unspeakable feelings .. made me want to soothe him "She didn't mean it, she's just a little girl. Or do you want me to slap her for you?"). Anyway. From this same movie, I got a kicking joke: "Why did the girl blush when she opened the refrigerator? Because she saw the salad dressing." Got it? Good.
Then I went randomly backwards.
It's finally Brokeback Mountain's turn. When there was a very fuming and sarcastic debate on other mailist about the gay issue and Jake's choice of movie role, right before the Oscar 2006, I posted the whole of my favourite Jake's movie list to defend him and wrote comment on Brokeback Mountain: "Belom nonton, reason is told. But I think I won't miss it .. mo liat Jake yang ngambil peran gay karena potentially-frustrated. Padahal sih ga usah main di film ini juga, dia udah populer di hati gue .. ditambah sama BBM, siapa yang mau tanggung jawab kalo gue makin cinta sampe terbengong-bengong? Apalagi kalo menang, ga peduli deh mau dibilang apa .. ga peduliiiii, yang penting menang *siapin victory dance*". Sadly he didn't get the Oscar, and for one thing and another, I hadn't got a chance to see the movie, not until recently. I questioned myself, was this delay because I DID mind watching movie about gay people after all?
.. [this was the point where I lost my mind and ability to find enough words to comment on Brokeback Mountain.
Well, actually, this was the point where I accidentally pressed the delete key and lost all the rest of this post. Have to write it all over again, but since now it's already very late .. so yeah. It's to be continued].