Just Because (It's Wang Leehom)

Just because I wrote this and when the rain caught me yesterday, I ended up listening to that very same song over and over again, wishing I could transform my iPod into someone I could cuddle in the cold.

Just because I like this duet very much for it's very hummable and easy on my ears, and Mat declared it this afternoon, "This one is goooooood!!", it's our Song for the Moment.

Just because a complete review of 18 Martial Arts has been posted here ..

.. I will just jump in into 3 songs.

伯牙绝弦 Bai Ya Jue Xian (Bo Ya Cuts the Strings)
I always look for a song catchy enough to get me by its first couple of seconds. This one, is not one of them. It's an okay song. I'm quite old-fashioned in terms of song choices and most of his songs are hipped. Can just say it's out of my league. Well, this doesn't disturb me, but no way I will memorize it.

天涯海角 Tian Ya Hai Jiao (The Ends of The Earth)
Now, that's more like it. A slow song, my kinda song. But frankly speaking, I don't know why it's so difficult to stick around in my head though I've listened to it so many times. I think it's because there's actually nothing special in this piece, nor there's any breakthrough trick. Except that he's singing it longingly and his voice does sound effortless. Sure, the refrein is soooooo nice, I love it. Perhaps one day it can actually sink in. Then I'll be very happy.

Just because I need to choose my favorite song specifically in this album, and because "Luo Ye Gui Gen" or "Ling Yi Ge Tian Tang" is not in it ..

你不知道的事 Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi (All the Things You Never Knew)
Movie soundtracks rarely disappoint. Speaking of catchy and memorable tunes, this one certainly got it. There's a bit strain on the voice like it's in "Kiss Goodbye". But I personally don't mind when I can follow the song easily. And I'm pretty sure it will be even better and better once I've seen Love in Disguise.

Just because I don't always agree on every songs of his and can only choose very few over hundreds, doesn't mean I can't see how amazing he is as a musician.

Just because words sometimes fail me.

So let me select some of his videos, save it into my playlist and put him up onto the Idolization page.

Let's celebrate with all the fanfares .. this is my first love among the rest. Groove along!

Old-fashioned, am I?


Emajanti said...

- I just knew that you'll say ur fave is "All the things you never knew". Everyone will easily fall in love with the song, so I'm not surprised :p Leehom said in his FB that this song was an important part of the movie, he's right but ........ *aha!*

- I still can't believe you're putting Leehom at your idolization page. Coz, I dont see you like him that much. LOL.

- his name is written as Leehom not Lee Hom :p

thanks for the post.

joelliea said...

Before I make correction on the name:
王力宏 this is his, right?

Then why it's written in 2 syllables?

Emajanti said...

That's his Chinese name as his name consist of 3 sylls. But his original name is Alexander Leehom Wang. Leehom as in 1 word, just like any other English names such as Edward, Peter, Mathieu ... His brothers are Leo and Leekai.

go find any of his album cover pictures or his books, he never writes his English name as Lee Hom. His official website, facebook page are proof of how he writes his English name.

joelliea said...

just as confused as he is in writing the name ^:^.

you read the 4th & 5th paragraph from below? there. the answer to your disbelief. I'm glad to put it to rest from now on.

no thanking necessary. I just need to do this for my own sake, before my head explodes =).