Mis-reacting/Over-reacting. Gah! What's Wrong with You, People??!

(I'm bringing this post up from the grave, cause the situation still happens recently).


Elo lagi nonton di bioskop. Terus elo dapet pengalaman seperti di bawah ini:

WATCH OUT FOR SPOILER!! Gue ga nulis judul filmnya deh.

Matt Damon nangis tergugu-gugu di pelukan Robin Williams. Penonton ketawa. (gue mengernyitkan kening)

Salah seorang wanita gemuk berkulit hitam menangis waktu dia mendapat kabar kalo suaminya tewas di medan perang. Penonton ketawa. (gue mo nangis).

Lilo menangis dan dengan suaranya yang imut bilang kalo dia disamakan dengan kelinci? Penonton ketawa. (gue nangis).

Suster Ngesot muncul di dalam kamar si cewek. Penonton ketawa. (gue setengah mati ketakutan).

Mandy Moore nyanyi di atas panggung teater. Penonton diem aja melongo. (gue mo nangis).

Mandy Moore nyeritain tentang penyakitnya ke Shane West. Penonton mo nangis ato udah nangis. (gue diem aja melongo).

Dakota Fanning tercengang di pinggir sungai. Penonton heboh ketawa. (gue ga bisa ngomong apa-apa).

Tom Cruise nyoba nyanyiin lagu nina bobo buat anaknya. Penonton ketawa. (gue nangis).

Rizky Hanggono ketawa di depan dokternya. Penonton ketawa. (gue mengernyitkan kening, tapi gue tau seharusnya gue nangis).

Dian Sastro ditarik masuk ke kamar dan dicium. Penonton ribut. (gue bingung ngedengerin penonton ribut).

Dian Sastro bilang kangen sama Eyang. Penonton diem aja. (gue diem-diem .. tes tes .. menetes airmataku).

Film-film animasi seperti Shark Tale atau Madagascar. Penonton ketawa ato melongo ga ngerti. (gue ketawa sampe muka gue pegel-pegel).

Film animasi seperti The Incredibles. Penonton tepok tangan sambil loncat-loncat di tempat duduk. (gue senyum aja, cukup lah).

Itu cuma sebagian contoh aja. Can you see the pattern? Kenapa sometimes penonton ga bisa memberikan reaksi yang tepat terhadap adegan-adegan film yang ditontonnya? Mungkin yang paling susah ditebak itu sense of humor. Gue juga masih bisa ngerti kalo ada penonton yang ga gampang tersentuh nonton adegan-adegan sedih .. karena ya pasti, hal-hal yang bisa menyentuh perasaan itu relatif banget, tergantung masing-masing orang juga. Tapi kalo penonton memberikan reaksi yang jelas-jelas berlawanan .. misalnya ketawa heboh pas liat adegan nangis atau pas liat adegan yang seharusnya memberikan perasaan nggak nyaman (disturbing scenes) .. ini siapa yang bisa bertanggung jawab ya? Pembuat film atau aktor yang ga bisa men"deliver" scene-nya secara tepat, atau penontonnya yang kurang peka?

Beberapa penonton, entah karena malu atau jaga image di dalam studio .. menutupi dan menghalau rasa sedihnya dengan tertawa (seperti si Rizky itu loo ..). Dan jelas-jelas gue denger di studio Ungu Violet ada yang ketawa ngikik-ngikik ke temen nontonnya sambil bilang "Aduuhh .. gue sedih nih". Tau nggak sih kalo reaksi mereka itu sangat-sangat mengganggu suasana? Kalo emang mesti nangis, ya nangis aja. Wajar kan? Mereka ketawa malah gue kira mereka sinting. Sampai detik ini juga gue masih ga bisa memaafkan penonton yang ketawa waktu ngeliat mayat mengambang di War of the Worlds. Tense dari adegan itu nyaris musnah sampe ke titik nol hanya gara-gara tawa penonton yang ga pada tempatnya. What now? Apa mereka juga lagi nyoba nutupin ketakutannya dengan ketawa seperti orang gila? Daaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn!

Satu "trend" lagi yang gue baca dari penonton-penonton film Indonesia. Kenapa mereka ga bisa meng-handle adegan-adegan romantis di depan mata mereka? Ada yang ciuman, ribut "Cieeee ..". Ada yang nyerempet-nyerempet dikit, ribut "Ceileeee .." Why can't they just shut up, and sit tight? Apa mereka jengah ngeliat aktor-aktris Indonesia sedikit lebih berani dalam mengeksplorasi adegan romantis? Kenapa mereka ga memberikan reaksi yang sama waktu nonton adegan sejenis di film-film Hollywood? Norak banget deh. Sorry to say. Kampungan. Bete gue. Kayak yang ga pernah liat orang ciuman sama pelukan aja.

Gue sendiri termasuk salah satu di antara penonton yang kadang memberikan reaksi ga cocok .. tapi ga pernah sampe ekstrim, dan gue yakin ga akan pernah sampe mengganggu karena gue ga pernah menutupi apa yang gue rasakan terhadap adegan-adegan tersebut dengan mengeluarkan emosi yang berlawanan dan berlebihan secara OUT LOUD!

Ato jangan-jangan ga ada yang salah sama mereka .. jangan-jangan gue yang ngaco .. mungkin lain kali gue mestinya ketawa aja pas ada adegan pemakaman. Huahahahaahahah.

That's one. Yeap. Gue masih punya uneg-uneg. Satu lagi, ga banyak.

Buat yang sering nonton di bioskop sendirian .. pernah nerima tatapan aneh dari penonton-penonton di sekitar elo? Gue, sering. Tapi baru kemaren gue denger ada yang berbisik ke temennya "Psstt .. nontonnya sendirian" pas ngeliat gue nyelinap di antara kursi-kursi mereka. 'Mang napa? Gue nonton sendirian ga minta mereka bayarin kok. Gue juga ga ganggu mereka seperti mereka ganggu gue dengan cekikikannya itu. My friend once said, kalo jalan sendirian di shopping mall masih oke. Tapi kalo nonton sendirian di bioskop .. ?? .. Sama aja kan. Jalan di mal, makan, nonton .. sendirian .. ga ada bedanya. Of course, gue tau nonton rame-rame itu fun .. lebih fun daripada nonton sendirian. Tapi gue ga jadiin itu menjadi batasan gue buat menikmati film kapanpun dan dimanapun gue mau. Gue, kalo mesti nungguin rombongan buat nonton di bioskop .. bisa berapa banyak film yang kelewat? Yang rugi gue sendiri kan? Yang penting gue bisa enjoying time by myself. Don't you know that a time for ourselves .. a time of privacy .. is precious? Gue malah kesian sama mereka-mereka yang ga berani nonton di bioskop sendirian (atau jalan-jalan di mall .. atau makan sendirian) .. tanpa bawa-bawa temen. Ga pede kan? Ga comfort kan? Am I over-reacting on this thing? Mereka duluan sih.

Furthermore, that particular friend of mine said this to me, "You're unique. Err .. no. Weird". I'm taking it as a compliment.

That's two. And that's all for today.

What Makes a Great Movie?

What are the ingredients to go into making a great movie?
*ngantri di deli, nungguin juru masak lagi bikin sandwich*

A catchy score
*pengamen jalanan lagi niup terompet*

A spectacular location
*jalan di antara pameran pesawat terbang*

Dramatic lighting
*jalan di bawah jembatan double-decker yang ditembus sinar matahari*

Compelling dialogues
*ngobrol sama tukang jualan makanan "But I know we're not here alone, it's gotta be something out there. It's definitely something out there. I've seen it"*

*anak kecil lagi gendong bulldog*

*tanda "OPEN" sama "CLOSE" dipasang bareng di pintu toko. orang latihan karate*

*nemu sepasang sepatu tak bertuan di trotoar. tepuk tangan bareng-bareng sopir taksi sambil ngeluarin bunyi-bunyian lucu*

*nyamperin anjing kecil lucu, malah jadinya hampir digigit*

Witty one-liners
*nenek tua sambil nyetir nanya "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" .. dijawab "You gotta practice, lady, you gotta practice"* (note: Carnegie Hall itu semacam gedung kesenian, jadi si nenek mau nanya arah, malah disuruh latihan biar bisa tampil di sana)

Special effects
*snow globe yang diguncang-guncang, jadi saljunya pada turun*

A chase sequence
*mobil lagi ngejar orang naik sepeda*

Clear direction
*ngikutin grafiti bergambar tanda panah gede bertulisan "ONE WAY"*

An underlined message
*berdiri di depan bioskop yang masang judul film cuma berupa huruf-huruf berantakan*

Something to shoot it with ..
*mamerin Nokia N93*

.. at a leading man
*nunjuk diri sendiri, terus mulai bergaya di depan lensa*

All the worlds are stage, and all the men and women merely players
*berdiri di tengah kerumunan orang-orang yang lagi jalan*


And cut!
*juru masak motong daging pake golok*

It is the best mobile phone ad I'd ever caught on television. Love, love Gary Oldman!


Love the way this clip was made. The colour is warm, beautiful. Almost contains all my fave scenes.

I'm Lost in Translation, Google Got Me Giggling!

So I played with the Google Toolbar and tried to translate one of my old post. This is one proof that Indonesian language is difficult. Or is it just MY language?

If you got dizzy reading this, please click here to read the original post and here to read the review.


The story of Revenge of the Sith (SPOILER!! SPOILER!)

Create a mo ga dapet bomb belom spoiler or a movie .. stay away from this post! As far as you can.

Music John Williams began.

Around the first twenty minutes .. war in the galaxy. Obi-Wan Kenobi in one plane, Anakin Skywalker in one other plane. They fight anyone, gue ga tau. Yes robots and aircraft so. ngebebasin mo Keep a captive Count Dooku. ngeh Person gue ga .. I think Senator Palpatine deh. Count Dooku slashed his hand, continued to die.

Udah nih. Ga old .. them to the valley what gitu, ga tau name. Faced as the General says his name .. tuh droid was a big, weird shaped like a spider's legs. The droids are a hobby of the Jedi lightsaber ngumpulin killed. So when he ngelawan Obi-Wan, boloney pake lightsabernya multiple bener .. diputer on the left and right hand front and back like a helicopter propeller. siiiiiiihhhh Cool .. heheh .. but ga effects, losing also. must dong. The evil is always defeated.

Abis it, Obi-Wan as Anakin come home. Area of tau ga what his name. Sempet They both act like a woman who seneng reciprocated the praise of one another. Ciiiiihh. To be greeted as Padmé Anakin is again pregnant. It turned out that they've married without the consent of others. (there's Emangnya, kalo ga pregnant women questioned it? Kali aja pregnant because droids = p). Smell it, smell here .. there pelok, pelok here .. throwing an expression of love .. cheesy. Anakin interrupted as a bad dream, premonition dapet Padmé dying during childbirth. Then also the situation in the environment of the Jedi Master Counselor and less comfortable, because they believe the same ga Anakin. Anakin received included in the board, but given his master's degree ga. Disappointed lah him.

Anakin given the task of spying for Senator Palpatine. Sampe continue ketauan same si Senator Anakin is turned Sith, since he moved to ditawarin dark side and learn the dark force created to save Padmé. Ngasih tau Anakin Mace Windu, and at that time believed the same Mace Windu Anakin. Mace Windu dateng nangkep Senator Palpatine mo .. fight both at the edge of the glass window .. Senators advance the science of the Mace got turned into scary sampe .. his eyes became red, his skin so wrinkles .. fit he would be killed, Anakin dateng who want Senator ga die because he still hoped his wife could be saved. Finally a hit, yes the Mace. his Lightsaber Anakin attacked off .. kept him thrown out the window by the Senator.'s over history (except for her reply magic fly). Direct actions show deh kalo udah Anakin official switch to dark side, and officially became king of the dark pupils. Anakin given the name Darth Vader. Senator Palpatine hood wearing .. and .. jeng jeng jeng .. it's the Darth Sideous, the hooded men who have been the ruler of darkness.

And began the resurrection of Sith. Uprising and the murder occurred everywhere. Dibunuhin Jedi .. small children who are still learning to become a Jedi as Anakin dibunuhin also cool with the hood and his eyes shining like a cat hit the lights. ketauan of security holograms, Obi-Wan, Anakin realized kalo udah moved to dark side. He ngasih tau Padmé, but Padmé ga believe. Obi-Wan so that children know that children conceived Anakin padme. Padmé Anakin catch up to the valley where so .. continue to own ngeliat reply this is the Anakin've changed. Pas ngeliat Anakin Obi-Wan on his boat follow-up nyelundup padme, padme treason he thought Obi-Wan ngajak nyelakain for him. padme sampe strangled unconscious.

Continued .. war, war, and war. ngelawan Darth Yoda Sideous where so .. but lost, and fled as Chewbacca. ngelawan Obi-Wan, Anakin in the valley who've turned into a crater full of lava. Berantemnya lhoo style .. pake show up in pieces of metal which floats on a river of lava .. ga over-done, sampe finally hands and feet together ketebas Anakin his lightsaber Obi-Wan. Anakin slowly sank into the river of lava. Sideous sampe Darth time to the site, he is still nemuin idup Anakin, but the whole body've angus fire. Euw. finally taken, surgery or repair so, given tools for breath, given the hands and feet of iron, given armor .. and given an iron mask. Eng ing eng .. Be Darth Vader as you're familiar. Dikasih Padmé die kalo .. nah .. who killed who come on now?

Padmé seabis emang strangled, she was taken to the hospital or whatever his name, and gave birth there. Padme die abis childbirth. He said because he's too ga've had a zest for life. Ceile. Before dying, he sempet ngasih names twin boys. The boys Luke, a girl Leia. And for some reason, I listened ga .. possible for the security aspect times ye .. they both have to be separated. Finally Leia given to the prince who looks like Lionel Richie (think of the many traitors, he was the one who was faithful in the area), because the prince and his wife is dah lama pengen have kids. To Obi - Wan took Luke to the homelands in the desert .. similar to the house of eskimo igloo was lho (instead of a desert tent, instead there igloos?) .. there was anyone so, husband and wife as well .. Luke handed over to them for care of.

And the movie was over. Music of John Williams began.

)-->----- Did you know my reply was not a fan of Star Wars? So this is my style of talking about Star Wars. Heheheheheehehe ..

Ice Castles

as posted in CineFriends

Pernah dengar lagu "Through the Eyes of Love"? Gue pertama kali nemuin lagu ini di partitur piano gue belasan tahun yang lalu, dengan embel-embel "Theme from Ice Castles". Gue langsung jatuh cinta sama nadanya yang manis dan melankolis. Langsung gue cari kasetnya, ketemu yang versi Nikka Costa. Wuaa .. gue jadi lebih suka lagi, karena liriknya romantis banget. Walaupun masih belum terbersit di pikiran gue untuk mencari filmnya, lagu ini udah menjadi favorit gue sepanjang masa.

Sampai suatu siang, gue denger nyanyian lagu ini keluar dari TV di rumah gue .. suara Melissa Manchester .. gue ngintip TV gue dan gue nemuin di layar tergambar sebentuk siluet sedang menari di atas es, di tengah hutan yang berkabut. It was Ice Castles ! Nggak pake tanya-tanya, gue langsung cari kaset video kosong, nyalain player .. rekam .. dan gue duduk nonton dengan manis .. undisturbed .. sampai film selesai. Hasil rekaman gue bagus, cuma karena mulainya telat .. prolog-nya hilang. Gue nggak bosan-bosan nonton rekaman gue itu berulang kali, dan menular ke adik gue dan kakak gue (sampai sekarang, adik gue masih inget bener sama ni film, sedangkan kakak gue .. "Through the Eyes of Love" adalah salah satu dari sedikit lagu yang dia ingat dengan baik dan benar). Bahkan bokap gue sempat tertarik buat duduk nonton sebentar, demi nemenin anak-anaknya yang seakan terpaku di depan televisi ..

Yang bikin gue suka dari Ice Castles itu .. lagunya, tariannya, saljunya, ceritanya .. ice skating is always my favourite sport. Ever. Gue nggak akan melewatkan film-film yang mengangkat olahraga ini sebagai tema atau latar belakang. Tapi sampai saat ini, gue belum bisa nemuin film ice-skating seindah Ice Castles. Menyaksikan Alexis Winston menari dengan kenangan lagu kesukaan ibunya .. it brought the tears in my eyes. Dan gue juga nangis waktu kaset rekaman gue itu hilang entah kemana .. ada yang minjem nggak bilang-bilang, damn it! Adik gue juga ikut merasakan kekecewaan akibat lenyapnya film gue, sampai dia memberanikan diri menelepon Disc Tarra yang waktu itu hanya ada di Hayam Wuruk, buat nyari. Dari Disc Tarra dapat info kalo film itu film lama, dan mereka hanya punya format LD. Malah ditawarin, kalo mau bawa aja kaset video kosong, nanti bisa direkamin di sana (kacau, berarti emang bajak-membajak itu udah lama banget berakar di sini .. terutama di daerah Glodok dan sekitarnya .. hehe ..). Ya, namanya juga anak-anak, siapa juga yang berani pergi kesana buat ngerekam? Jadi akhirnya, direlakan deh kepergian Ice Castles dari koleksi rekaman gue.

Film ini juga yang menjadi alasan pertama gue buat menetapkan niat beli DVD player, walaupun itu harus dibayar dengan penantian waktu tanpa batas. Karena gue liat Ice Castles dipajang di Disc Tarra dalam bentuk DVD. Yeah .. gue nggak sabar mau beli .. berapa pun harganya .. gue nggak sabar mau nonton lagi setelah sekian tahun gue nunggu. Gue hanya berharap, mudah-mudahan penantian gue dipercepat dengan keluarnya film ini dalam bentuk VCD. (update: now of course I have the DVD player and the DVD! Had to look high and low for it since it was an old movie, so I got it from Disc Tarra online store).

Dinominasikan sebagai lagu terbaik dalam ajang Golden Globe dan Academy Awards tahun 1980, setiap kali gue mendengar lagu ini:

Please, don't let this feeling end
It's everything I am
Everything I wanna be
I can see what's mine now
Finding out what's true
Since I've found you
Looking through the eyes of love

Now, I can take the time
I can see my life
As it comes up shining now
Reaching out to touch you
I can see so much
Since I've found you
Looking through the eyes of love

Now, I do believe
That even in the storm, we'll find some light
Knowing you're beside me
I'm alright

Please, don't let this feeling end
It might not come again
And I want to remember
How it feels to know you
How I feel so much
Since I've found you
Looking through the eyes of love

Gue teringat akan kenangan gue semasa kecil .. and how the time has flown so fast ..

Full House

Click here.

I'm Addicted To: Coca-Cola

I hear "Osteoporosis". But you know what, I'll worry about that later. Cause I love coca-cola. Much more than plain water. It's not good, I know, I know. Been trying to reduce it, but can't help it. When it comes to thirst, it's my ultimate fuel. You can't beat the feeling. It's the real thing. Seriously.

The following video is my favourite of this season:

(Holidays are coming, 'tis the season
Watch out, look around
Something's coming, coming to town)

There's a feeling in the air
Has the city streets all turned into a winter wonderland?
All the trees are shining bright
You can hear the sleighbell's ringing as the snow begins to fall
It's a wonderful, unbelievable
Such a beautiful time to spend with you
So incredible, all the loving we share
It's the moment all emotional
It's a mix of all feeling that we have
So predictable, Christmas time is here ..

(Can't you see it shining bright
Holiday refreshment's what we bring
'Tis the season, it's always the real thing)

I have tasted Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Vanilla, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola Zero & Diet Coke.

No, Coca-Cola company doesn't pay me a cent for this blog.

A Love to Kill

Click here to see my favourite scene

I'm Addicted To: Salmon Sashimi

Never get enough of it. I think I was a bear in my previous life.

How or where to get it:
Look for any restaurant that has the word "SUSHI" written on the name.

My Confession

Heard this song first time from Tarra Megastore at Mal Taman Anggrek years ago. It was playing in their Jazz Room. With a great accoustic, it caught my attention instantly.

Gotta love the spanish touch in it. It's very easy to listen, very romantic in melody and lyrics. It has a kind of soothing effect, I can never feel bored playing it over and over again. Imagine listening to this while having a candle-lit dinner with my loved one, only the two of us.

My most favourite Josh Groban's song. Too bad it's overlooked.

Mobile Posting

see how this goes. Aaa no font setting and I can never find the ENTER key on my mobile keypad.

I'm Addicted to: Watching My Son Sleeps

He always looks so peaceful .. and so cute while he's sleeping. A devilish energizer bunny turns into an angel.

The following
video is created by Evariny Andriana, excerpted from National Geographic "In the Womb". I just thought I would like to share it here.

Saat engkau tertidur
Kupandangi wajahmu
Masih ingin ku mendekapmu
Masih ingin ku menciummu
Tak pernah kusadari
Waktu cepat berlalu
Kini engkau menjadi besar
Kini engkaulah harapanku
Tumbuh, tumbuhlah anakku
Raihlah cita-citamu
Jangan pernah engkau ragu, Sayang
Doaku selalu bersamamu
Membuat aman di hidupmu

("Anakku" - Vina Panduwinata)

Happy 3rd Birthday, Mathieu!