It happened that January 8, 2010 was my niece's 3rd birthday. Thought to give her something. Since she was a very girly type, with many girly things scattered around her room, I gave her this to store her things:

.. then .. as I saw she also had many digital things on her mom's and dad's computer, facebook and anywhere else (including on my computer too), I decided to gave her a "digital" storeroom as well.
I opened a blog space for her.
Initally I did it for the mom and dad to fill in. Well, they're the ones who got most of her things in the closet, but I got a feeling that it would be me who had the privilege to input it all into the blog @_@.
Choosing a template for kids was FUN! They're cute, colorful and pretty. I had a hard time choosing only one. Got 3 candidates:
(Heh. Looking at those, my blog looks really dull and dark in comparison *lol*).
So, after monopolyzing the computer - until my mom couldn't get enough time to play her Zuma Deluxe for two days, the initial blog was done with some pics and notes I copied from the parents' facebook.
It's official now. Hopefully in three more years, she can maintain it by herself.
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