Look at my new blog look. At first I only wanted to try some templates, but I accidently clicked "SAVE", so there my last template was lost. I took it as a hint to change it all over instead though it's so troublesome. How could I fit 2 sidebar contents into 1 sidebar only? So I inserted some videos here, some links there .. and scattered some pictures in the blogs. And then I found out the photobucket video links didn't work. It went well before, probably it was bad connection or bad browser, so I left it as it is for a while (note: if you catch the bad links, please kindly notify me).
I bought "My Stupid Boss". Well, you know tomorrow I have to get back to work. Thought this book could give me some inspirations (hey, I'm not complaining on my boss here).
"Please God .. please stab my Boss repeatedly. Or please send that Iraq guy to throw his shoes like he did to the Mister Former President. Tapi khusus untuk Boss aku, lempar kulit duren lho ya .. Or sent 2 vampires to suck his blood out of his vein also can. You might ask 'Why 2 vampires?' Oh, because knowing my Boss very well, he'll irritate the 1st vampire sampek tuh vampire nangis kabur. So the other Vampire will do the finishing job!"
Two vampires? Er .. Edward and Emmett? Who got irritated and who got to kill the Boss?? Huahahaha.
My favourite chapter is "Impossible We Do! Miracle We Try!". Totally chaotic.
My favourite chapter is "Impossible We Do! Miracle We Try!". Totally chaotic.

I got mine from Nail Pia @ Supermal Karawaci UG#102. Butterfly and flowers. I found the design from mags and showed it to the nail artist. She said she could try, but there was no metallic dark blue nail polish available. So I got two coats of dark purple, and by trial, coated one more time with pale blue glitters. Result: my nails color looks like the color of Nokia 6110 Bunglon. Chameleonish .. it's blue! No, it's purple! No .. it's .. pretty!! And the artist painted the white butterfly and flowers on it. Wasn't exactly the same as in the mags, but I'm happy!!
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