I'm Addicted To: Silver Jeweleries

I love, love white gold jeweleries. They're eternal. And I don't know why, white gold jeweleries always have better design compared to the yellow ones. But since white gold can cost a fortune, there is a second line which is more affordable. And you can wear it anytime anywhere, it rarely attract criminal. Silver.

(Well, you can wear white gold and criminals can still think you are wearing silver. So you're safe ^_^.)

People say silver is high-maintainance thing. Sure it gets tarnished easily. But I don't see it as a problem, cause most silver stores provide free cleaning. Silver polish and bath is also easy to find at store (Ace Hardware, anyone?). One thing needs extra care though, do not put on silver jeweleries if you're allergic to it, unless you want your skin to get rash or turn greenish.

And silver jeweleries are just as adorable. I've had my first gift from my husband-to-be back then: a shiny silver bracelet with a heart charm from Perlini's Silver. He really caught me off-guard. I still remember how I felt when he took that tiny package out of his pocket, unwrap it, and put it on my wrist. Perhaps if he looked closely, he could see my eyes were shining as bright as that silver heart.

I have silver bracelets, necklaces, anklets, earrings, rings, toe rings (huh =D). I treasure them all. But my most favorites are pendants. Collecting pendants are fun. Sometimes they're also painfully cute!! I can have one plain necklace, but I can never get enough pendants. Wear 2-3 pendants at once? Why not?? It's a charm. On the other way around, I also can buy charms and wear them as pendants.

Until now, whenever I pass by a silver store, I just gotta stop and browse the collection, though not everytime I will buy (nowadays, silver is not that cheap anymore). I can never look away from silver jeweleries. So now you know, it's easy to buy me a gift =D.

Places to shop: Perlini's Silver, D'Paris