My Stupid Boss .. Continues ..

Suatu hari, di kala kita duduk di tepi pantai
Dan memandang si Boss di lautan yang dikejer-kejer hiu ..

Baca buku yang kedua ini, gue jadi mikir .. ini beneran ya? Lha .. si Boss itu sureal betul sih. Kok di dunia yang indah ini ada ya mahluk seajaib gitu? *lol*. Anyway. I love the book. Brighten up my days.

It's Mat's favorite too. Karena ilustrasi bukunya lucu. Jadi tiap kali dia ambil tu buku (yang pertama juga sekalian), trus dia pilihin halaman yang ada gambar-gambarnya, dan dia minta gue ceritain deh. Jadilah ngedumelnya si Bu Kerani dan kedodolan si Boss mampir ke telinga MatMat (yang pastinya udah gue revisi dan di-improvisasi sebisanya). Presenting: My Stupid Boss - Toddler Edition. Bwahahahah.

And what I like the most .. always the reference of my beloved vampire.
Boss: Jadi ini adalah staf saya di Surabaya. Ini Pak Sugi, jago jual-beli tanah loh dia. Calo gitu laaaah .. tapi nyatutnya kebanyakan nih dia!! (muka Pak Sugi langsung kusem kayak keset kaki). Ini Suyoto, dia orang listrik di pabrik saya di sana. Eh Yoto, kalo perlu beli apa-apa barang listrik, suruh ibu ini aja ya. Pokoknya perlu beli apa-apa, minta sama ibu ini ... (enak aja lu ngomong, duitnya mana??). Nah kalo ini Yogi, desainer kantor saya di sana. Dia yang akan desain ruangan kantor nantinya. Dan ini Edward, dia arsitek. Bukan Edward Cullen loh, hahahaha ...

Gue: (Cape deeeee .. lu kata lu lucu kaleeee ..)

Boss: Edward Cullen iku sopo toh, Pak Sugi? Cewek-cewek pada sibuk ngomongin dia begitu loh ..

Pak Sugi: (bengong dan roman mukanya kayak berpikir keras) Wah .. saya kurang tau, Pak. Mungkin Yoto tau.

Yoto: Saya juga kurang jelas e, Pak. Orang cabang mana, Pak?

Gue -----> Terjun bebas!

Precious Moments

You're Only Little for a Little While

Now it's Mathieu's turn to get his own Matsterpiece, a pretty self-explanatory blog. And the following song is simply dedicated to him.

Click for lyrics

I'll Say Goodbye for the Two of Us

I've been looking for this Expose song for years. Glad that now I found it. And it comes with the lyrics, in a flowery package!

Now .. how can I not love youtube? =D


An extraordinary video. I wanted to put it into my playlist, but then this mv is more a short movie with the song as a soundtrack. Gonna be very difficult to watch it from the small screen of the iPod =). So here it is.

Click he
re to here full version of the song.

Aku Makin Cinta

A beautiful tribute to Vina Panduwinata.

Click here for original song

A Little Girl Needs a Bigger Storeroom

It happened that January 8, 2010 was my niece's 3rd birthday. Thought to give her something. Since she was a very girly type, with many girly things scattered around her room, I gave her this to store her things:
.. then .. as I saw she also had many digital things on her mom's and dad's computer, facebook and anywhere else (including on my computer too), I decided to gave her a "digital" storeroom as well.

I opened a blog space for her.

Initally I did it for the mom and dad to fill in. Well, they're the ones who got most of her things in the closet, but I got a feeling that it would be me who had the privilege to input it all into the blog @_@.

Choosing a template for kids was FUN! They're cute, colorful and pretty. I had a hard time choosing only one. Got 3 candidates:

(Heh. Looking at those, my blog looks really dull and dark in comparison *lol*).

So, after monopolyzing the computer - until my mom couldn't get enough time to play her Zuma Deluxe for two days, the initial blog was done with some pics and notes I copied from the parents' facebook.

It's official now. Hopefully in three more years, she can maintain it by herself.

New Year = New Blog, Book & Nails

New Blog

Look at my new blog look. At first I only wanted to try some templates, but I accidently clicked "SAVE", so there my last template was lost. I took it as a hint to change it all over instead though it's so troublesome. How could I fit 2 sidebar contents into 1 sidebar only? So I inserted some videos here, some links there .. and scattered some pictures in the blogs. And then I found out the photobucket video links didn't work. It went well before, probably it was bad connection or bad browser, so I left it as it is for a while (note: if you catch the bad links, please kindly notify me).

New Book

I bought "My Stupid Boss". Well, you know tomorrow I have to get back to work. Thought this book could give me some inspirations (hey, I'm not complaining on my boss here).
"Please God .. please stab my Boss repeatedly. Or please send that Iraq guy to throw his shoes like he did to the Mister Former President. Tapi khusus untuk Boss aku, lempar kulit duren lho ya .. Or sent 2 vampires to suck his blood out of his vein also can. You might ask 'Why 2 vampires?' Oh, because knowing my Boss very well, he'll irritate the 1st vampire sampek tuh vampire nangis kabur. So the other Vampire will do the finishing job!"
Two vampires? Er .. Edward and Emmett? Who got irritated and who got to kill the Boss?? Huahahaha.

My favourite chapter is "Impossible We Do! Miracle We Try!". Totally chaotic.

New Nails

I got mine from Nail Pia @ Supermal Karawaci UG#102. Butterfly and flowers. I found the design from mags and showed it to the nail artist. She said she could try, but there was no metallic dark blue nail polish available. So I got two coats of dark purple, and by trial, coated one more time with pale blue glitters. Result: my nails color looks like the color of Nokia 6110 Bunglon. Chameleonish .. it's blue! No, it's purple! No .. it's .. pretty!! And the artist painted the white butterfly and flowers on it. Wasn't exactly the same as in the mags, but I'm happy!!

First Morning of 2010

image is shared from niffynoodles on