"What Do You Think of Me Blogging?"

I asked that question to one of my friends, and he answered, "Heh. You... Blogging? That's very unlikely". Ha. While everybody encouraged me, he was the only one who said the otherwise. I wonder if that because he knows me better than anyone, or he doesn't know me at all.

I thought blogging was just a trend that would fade away with time. I still think it is. Then why am I here .. blogging?? Maybe I'm following the stream. Maybe I wanna look cool telling people how I live my life. That's what most bloggers do, no? *wink*.

Or maybe, maybe .. I've finally met a dead-end, when changes are needed drastically. I need a place to litter. No, I'm not a cat, thank you very much. I need an empty zone for me to throw away the bitter, the sweet .. the unimportant hazardous poisonous toxic garbage .. er .. did I write it correctly? Sorry to confuse.

So that's how I came up with the blog address. The template, for temporary I'm using this one until I can find something more me. As for the blog name .. have you seen Being Julia? No no no .. I'm not referring to the story. I'm just kinda stealing the title .. cause I can't think at the moment. I was born uncreative. But that's me. As simple as that.

Warning: Boredom awaits. Hopefully I won't be too lazy to update.


Rebecca said...

First of all .. I want to say , Congratulation on your Blog ... Finally, you are interested in making the Blog too ...hehhee .... I'm the one who likes to do blogwalking and I really enjoy lots of your style of writings .... So I will see you more then in your blog .... Take care, friend !!